Pre-breach Risk Transfer

Leveraging the dashboard, the CyFi™ policy gives customers claims settlement within 30 days to fix problems early, avoiding a large, publicly announced breach.

  • Capacity for large, complex organizations for evolving cyber risks

  • Transparent triggers, clear protection, avoids payout surprises

  • Payout within
    30 days

Smart coverage and capacity to strengthen your existing risk program. Two transparent triggers.

  • 1.

    Increased frequency of unblocked cyber attacks we observe on a corporation’s network in realtime (Cy)

  • 2.

    Sustained financial underperformance (Fi) with the proof of loss being a company share price drop of 15% or greater relative to the relevant market benchmark (US/ UK/EU)

Eliminate uncertainty
with claims

Transparent monitoring of the data behind the policy triggers,shared monthly with customers so you can understand thelikelihood of a loss event and payout.



Ryan DoDd

Founder and CEO, Intangic

Ryan leads data science, technology and product vision. An entrepreneur with real-world cyber and financial modeling experience, including creation of CyFi™ model. He has 20 years as hedge fund manager (inc. Man GLG) and structuring financial risk products.


Mark Heath

Head of Insurance and Chief Underwriting Officer, Intangic MGA

Mark leads the Underwriting for the company. He has 35 years experience in the insurance industry in both underwriting and broking, including senior global underwriting and executive roles at AIG and Aon prior to being CEO and co-founding Acies MGU.

Trusted by Industry

Our A+ rated capacity (A.M. Best), is backed by AXA XL via AXA XL Insurance Company UK Ltd (AXICL).